Sunday 26 April 2009

Expenses could cost Parliamentarians dear

Will the Lost John Lewis list cost some MP's their job. Certainly Jacqui Smith looks in severe danger of losing her seat.

The rumour mill is in overdrive. The expense receipts for all MP's are to be released in July. However there have been many delays so far and there may be more given the rumour mill gossip.

Example one - MP's using the second home allowance to claim for overseas homes. I hope not. Outrageous.

Example two - I still can't believe the Home secretary claimed for a bath plug! I mean really!

Example three - The fact that expense claims have gone thougth the roof in the last ten years.

There are three main problems as I see it.

1) We are going to find in July that some MP's have made some very dodgy and pathetic cliams. They will pay the price for that. It must stop.

2) The system has to be explained to the country clearly. Some of the press reports such as MP's having £100,000 office allowance are not helpful. The allowance is never seen by the MP's, its used by the Parlimanetary estate to pay the MP's secretaries and researchers and pencils etc. However if the whole system is too embarassing to be explained then reform it.

Do not do this by way of a random Youtube announcement by the PM (who looks nuts in it). Rather you should wait for the independant report, read it and then make changes prior to the next election so the the new intake of MP's are not tainted by he past and have a clear system that the country understands.

3) When reforming do not make the mistake of saying "I as an MP work hard and don't get paid enough". You may work hard, most do, however you are a) Effectively in a vocation - public service b) You have no qualifications, anyone can do the job and thousands want to.

So SUPPLY and DEMAND dictates you could get a huge pay cout and there would still be no shortage of applicants.

We shall see what happens a) next week - I bet the Gov pulls the vote on their randomly announced reforms, b) After July when the fan gets hit with expense claims int he public domain.

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