Is very very funny, if a little rude.
See for yourself here. He has got around 60 "supporters". Meanwhile
the resign petition is at around 25,000 at the minute.
Here is a list of brave supporters who have rallied to the dear leader:
# Joy Wendy Endcomes
# Andrew Neil
# Charles Ponzi
# D N Disnigh
# Noki Aitonthehead
# I. Wright
# Mr N.O. McMandate
# Ivor Broquen-Printer
# Mr. P. Iss-Off
# Mr S Meargate
# Dustin Mihands
# Gordon Smallcock
# Mrs Tricoteuse
# Prof L. Igate-Tosser
# Nick Robinson
# Asif Ali ZARDARI, President
# Sarah Brown
# Gordon pension robber Brown
# All your friends at the BBC
# A.S. Long-As-It's The Wright Thing
# Juan Ay-Jocque
# Billy Nomates
# I.T. Beganinamerica
# Simon Scrotum
# No More Return To Boom And BUST
# Karl Marx
# Dolly Draper
# Orson Carte
# Phil McHunt
# Imoff Tofrance
# Nucking Futter
# R Ving-Lhuun
# Mr Bunk Spubble (Labour supporter)
# it's oor oil
# Andrew Marr
# F*ck off back to Scotland
# Arthur Brown Penis
# Do you think you'll manage to get to 10 REAL signatures?
# Referee R.ndum and U. Ropevote
# Mr Barnett Dividend (Scottish Labour)
# Nicola O'Connor
# Wayne Kerr. Go Gordon your doing a grand job!
# Vaal Ewes
# Seymour Jocksin-Cabinet
# Bob Roberts Hamster
# Betty Swallocks
# Rock Ing-Horse
# M. Outhbreather
# Hugh R. Slicker
# Ilick Windows
# Blair mayne UUPCON
# I Hate Broon
# Robert Barking-Roberts
# K Y Jelly
# Toenails Robinson
# Jacqui Five-Bellies
# google ho-tel
# Jim Hacker's Dangly Knackers
# Stalin
# Hugh Janus
# Josef Fritzel
# My mate Gordo and me shag sheep at the weekends
# Esan Utter
# Iain Dale media whore
# Frankie McCheesecake
# Phil MacAvity
# Monk d'willy da honk
# 1eyed Scottish IDIOT
# HARRIET (too big for my boots) HARMAN
# Jonah Broon
# C.U. Jimmy
# U MacMesick
# B Ukake-Smith
# I.F. No-Job
# Tony Blair
# Napoleon,Snowball,Squealer and the rest of the pigs from Animal Farm
# Aime Wright-Burke
# Adolf Hitler
# Gordon FitzPeter
# Peter FitzGordon
# Gote Farqhuhar
# Mike Hunt
# Rufus T- Smee
# Damian McSmear
# Another fat faced bogey eater
# I'm going to emmigrate if Brown still leads the UK in a week
# Len dusafiver
# Titanic Captain
# prudence mcnutter
# Yuri Wright -Tosser
# Mr. You Don't Stand a Chance.
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