Sunday 30 September 2007

David Cameron's chat with Andrew Marr

I though the interview went well.
DC spoke eloquently and seemed very excited about the prospect of an election being called. He came across as genuinely wanting an election and wanting to have a go at Brown's ten year record.
He spoke well about tax issues and was fully informed even able to correct Marr on the cost of an Airlie tax. (Marr said a billion and was told "no it will be 400 million"). DC said Green taxes will pay for family credits which links in well with the IDS point that the family is the bedrock of Britiain and needs to be helped as it is in the rest of Europe. DC also spoke about Thatcher, marriage, properly funded tax cuts and even immigration.
On the last topic he did well, he should not focus on it but should of course answer the question when asked. Immigration being an issue that people already know the tories have a more effective strategy than Labour who have not planned for the massive arrival of people.
All in all it was a good start.
Incidentally even George Osbourne did well when interviewed by Adam Boulton on Sky News. He was patient when interrupted and kew his stuff.

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