Sunday 7 October 2007

Brown's Bad Day- repeated

Every single sunday paper has given Brown a pasting. The commentors in the media are having a field day. No one is claiming this has been handled well. Douglas Alexander is being slaughtered by his own side and Salmond has just had a go at him. In fact Balls, Milliband and Alexander will not be liking the young turks tag at all. They have been mullered.

Andrew Marr appears to have lost more credibility amongst his politico mates and his interview with Brown was not brilliant. He could have had a go at Brown but did not really get stuck in. Plus what was Polly Toynbee doing on Sunday AM.

But will this all blow over in a week or two? I think Brown will hell a hell of a week ahead but will try and dominate the headlines with some public spending spin. However he has upset the media and the public (you know those who live outside Westminster village) will not think its all over for Brown but they will be willing to question him more and have this debacle in the back of their minds.

Its a credibility thing and Brown has taken a knock.

Finally I think this will hel lead to a Brown defeat in 2 years time. The tide has been slowly turning for a year or so. This mess is a continuation of that. The Tories still have a long way to go but are on the right track.

The only tiny, tiny, tiny positive for Brown is that he knows a bit more about Tory policies such as Tax and social policy. But boy what a price to pay for such info. If that was the genius plan, to draw out Tory policies, then it was a rubbish one. If Brown geneuinely wanted an election he went about messing up that possibility with spin. Crazy fool!

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