Saturday 6 October 2007

Six point Tory lead in the marginals says NOTW

Fraser Nelson, who is a columnist for NOTW says on the Speccie blog-

"There is a six-point Tory lead in the marginals – yes, a six point Tory lead: 44% to 38%. It suggests that, if Brown did go, he’d lose his majority. Labour would still be the biggest party, with 306 seats to the 246 for the Tories. It also confirms what ministers told me anecdotally: that Labour voters are less likely to turn out in November. When asked, 59% said they’d go to the polls against 71% of Tories. ICM polled in the 83 most marginal Tory-Labour seats, interviewing 1,026 people between 2 and 5 October. So if anything, this underestimates the full impact of the Tory conference. If any Tory sees Michael Ashcroft in the bar tonight, they should buy him a drink. His marginal strategy worked. Brown has been scared off."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.